Signature Collector

Red & blue ribbons

A convenient circuit of long, well-crowded streets is selected, and a base area--about fifty yards of the street--formed in the middle of some of the streets. A Scout will be posted at the center of the area, and will be called a "Base-Scout." The number of bases will depend on the number of Scouts--as each base needs one Base Scout and two opposers. There should not be more than six bases. The signature collector and all Base-Scouts will wear a piece of red ribbon attached to their buttonhole badges or pinned to their coats. The opposing Scouts will wear blue ribbons. The collector must go round the circuit of bases and try to obtain the signature of each Base-Scout. The opposing Scouts are posted, two to each base, to prevent the collector from reaching the Base-Scout by simply touching him. If touched while attempting to reach a base the collector gives up his own signature to his captor and forfeits his own chance at that base. But if he reaches the base area without being touched he is safe to obtain the signature and leave unmolested to make his attempt on the next base. It is understood he can make an attempt on every base. The bases are posted in a circle, so that when he finishes his journey he will be back at the starting-point, where the umpire is. The Base-Scouts, being in league with the collector, can aid him by signaling when best to make the attempt. It therefore resolves itself into a competition between the "reds" and "blues." The party of Scouts obtaining the most signatures wins. Rules 1. Hiding in shops is barred. 2. Cover must be taken in the street only. 3. Base boundaries must be well understood by all players at that base. If necessary, they may be chalked out. 4. When the collector has got through a base and obtained the signature, the opposing Scouts who were guarding that base must not watch round another base: they are beaten and must make for the starting-point.

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