Escaped Smoker

Whistle, matches

A Convict has escaped from prison, and, being an inveterate smoker, the first thing he does is to buy a large supply of cigarettes and matches. On a dark night a message is brought to the Scouts that he has been seen in a wood close by, still smoking. The troop at once turn out, and, inclosing the wood, silently try to find their man by using their eyes, ears, and noses, as well as they can. The man, who is playing the part of the convict, is obliged to keep his cigarette in full view all the time, and strike a match at least once every three minutes. Unless the Scouts are very sharp, the chances are that he will slip through, and they will, after a few minutes, see the match flickering away behind them. The "convict"' must not, of course, be a Scout, for, if he were, he would not smoke or give himself away like that. An hour or two spent in practicing some "extended order" drill will make the troop far more efficient in work like this, for boys invariably tend to crowd together on a dark night instead of keeping an equal distance apart. A good variation of the game, if no smoker is at hand, is to supply the convict with a box of matches and a whistle, and make him strike a match and blow his whistle alternately every minute or two minutes, so that two different tracking senses are needed at the same time---seeing and hearing.

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