Catching the Dodger


One Scout is chosen as the dodger. A spot is selected away from the Scouts' headquarters as the starting-point preference being given to a place from which the most streets or ways lead to headquarters. The main idea is that the dodger has to start from this spot at, say, 7 or 8 p.m., and make his way to headquarters without being caught. He will be previously introduce to the others as their "Quarry," and may then adopt any disguise in order to throw off suspicion. He may even carry a large sack full of paper or some soft material upon his head, so as to partly hide his face, but he should not adopt feminine attire. It will be the duty of all Scouts to distribute themselves well over the area likely to be traveled, all streets, alley and byways being carefully watched, but for obvious reasons a rule must be made that no Scout must approach within a given radius, say, of 250 yards, of the starting or finishing point. The dodger must be instructed to start strictly at a given time, and may use the middle of the street as well the pavement, as this will be necessary to dodge a Scout whom he may espy, and he must travel on foot during his journey, not taking advantage of any tramcar or other vehicle. Should he see a Scout approaching, there would be no objection to his stepping aside into a shop and asking the price of an article until the danger has passed, as this is no more than an ordinary thief would do to evade capture. Should a Scout recognize the dodger, he must get quite near enough to him to say: "Good-night " without any danger of not being heard--or, better, to touch him--and the dodger then yields quietly and is taken to headquarters by his captor, no other Scout being allowed to join them. One hour after the arranged starting time all Scouts must return to headquarters, for by that time the dodger will have either been caught or have reported there, as he must do the two miles in one hour. Should a Scout notice the dodger being pursued by another Scout he may assist in the capture this where the dodger has espied a Scout in the distance who appears to have recognized him--but though the points are divided, the greater portion will be awarded to the Scout who commenced the actual pursuit. This is a game full of excitement from start to finish, especially as a Scout may secrete himself should he see the dodger approaching at a distance, only showing himself when his man has come within capturing distance.

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